
House Rules

Our House Rules are to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone within our event spaces. Therefore no one is exempt from our House Rules including staff, guests, partners, and artists. Be mindful of how the event space is experienced differently by everyone and how your behaviour influences people’s experiences within our space. We reserve the right to refuse entry, to remove you from the premises, ban future entry and/or report to the authorities or first responders depending on the gravity of the situation.

We do not condone aggression, assault, discrimination, exclusion, harassment, and/or physical or verbal or violence such as (but not limited to): ableism, antisemitism, (body)shaming, bullying, intimidation, Islamophobia, racism queerphobia, sexism, sexual misconduct and/or transphobia.

Guests visibly drunk, on drugs, or rowdy and uncooperative will be denied access.

Minimum age for entry as a guest is 18. Average age of our attendees is 38. The door host and security have the right to ask for ID. If not provided, you will be denied access.

By entering our event space you agree to be searched. If you do not agree to this, you will be denied access.

If you feel uncomfortable being searched by a specific team member, we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Bringing food or liquids (including perfume), into the club is prohibited. Please make the door hosts aware of anything that is required for medical reasons.

Open use of, possession or trade of illegal substances is prohibited.

Possession or trade of weapons is prohibited.

We utilise lighting that may be dangerous for people with a sensitivity for seizures, epilepsy or who’ve had stroke(s). We can not be held responsible for any injuries resulting from this.

We are obligated to uphold the law and call first responders if necessary.

Be considerate to our neighbours when entering and leaving our event space.

If you’re feeling sick, please be considerate of fellow guests and stay at home.

We are not responsible for lost items.

Feedback: info@watt-events.nl